I am your Laxman Rijal originally from a remote village, Bihun, which lies in Baglung district in Nepal. I am working in the Portugal at present. I'm a silent, shy,outspoken, nature loving guy n a bit emotional and want to discover new ideas or philosopy in different circumstances of time. I'm shy but very nice once you get to know me.I am very grateful for my parents, family members and friends. I love learning, travelling new place, listening music and making new friends interest. Talking about my hobbies, it’s not different than yours. I spend time listening to music especially Nepali folk and suffering net with news. I want to make new friends who always give me good advice n Inspiration too. Always Im with my friends, family n relatives . Do me send birthday wish on 25 August.
Contact: lajalulaxman@yahoo.com
: lajalulaxman@gmail.com
Skype : laxman.rijal
Mob : 00351910259204

नोट : यदि तपाईको गाउँ ठाउँमा रहेका विभिन्न पर्यटकीय स्थाल्हारुका बारेमा लेख अभिलेख, तस्बिरहरु तथा अन्य जानकारी छन् भने हामीलाई तलको Email Address मा उपलब्ध गराई सहयोग गरिदिनु होला, धन्यवाद !
 E-mail Address  : lajalulaxman@gmail.com
                       :Skype : laxman.rijal
              Mob : 00351910259204