16 July 2012

Don't Lose..

"Don't lose yourself in the fear that entwines your mind.  Everythng will be okay, storms don't last forever, there's always sunshine just waiting around the corner, if you choose there to be.  Don't give up, you are good enough, you're worth and YOU are so LOVED

आमा तिमी

सपनीमा देख्छु सधै रुन्छु एक्लै याहाँ 
सम्झनाले दुख्छ मुटु पत्तो छैन काहाँ?
दिन गन्छु तिमी संग भेट कै'ले हुन्छ?
आँत मेरो हल्का होला भेट जै'ले हुन्छ 
के गर्दैछौ?मेरी आमा यती बेला तिमी?
मनै भरि छाई दिन्छौ जति बेला तिमी ,
अजम्बरी रै'छ तिम्रो माया संसारमा ,
संगै हिड्छ तिम्रो मात्रै छायाँ अन्सारमा,
तिमीलाई पनि याद मेरो आयो होला आमा
छोरा सम्झी कुटु कुटु मुटु खायो होला
के गर्दैछौ?मेरी आमा यती बेला तिमी?
मनै भरि छाई दिन्छौ जति बेला तिमी...!!!

You will..

One day,

I'll leave the world and never come back. You will cry when you will see my number. You will miss me when you sit alone, won't be able to hear my laugh and voice ever again. There will be no more Me to Irritate, Tease, Make you laugh, and say sorry stupidly. Tears might flow out of eyes, But i Will be gone, long and forever.So Enjoy My silly stupid Company as much before I Close my eyes forever...!!