31 January 2011


Ask some questions to yourself...........................................
  •  Am I doing best to utilise my 100% potentiality to kiss the pinnacle of success
  • What is my aim? Why was I born for?
  •  Am I all right? Am I following a way towards my aim?
  •  Where are my current activities leading myself to? Is it really towards my aim?
  •  What I promised to do?
  •  Am I on right track or am I just strayed out of it and lost somewhere else?
  •  What are my parents expectation from me? Am I on the way to fulfil my parents dream?

What I must follow.......................

  • You must need to be concentrate towards your aim.
  •  Don’t waste your time in arguing on unproductive topic.
  • Stop advising other (studying people psychology if there is a huge gap between mine and theirs thinking).
  •  Be cool and patience.
  •  Don’t hurry and worry too much.
  • Always say ‘’YES’’ to pass the arguments.
  •  Be good, sweet, beautiful, optimistic guy to yourself.
  •  Always smile to your well-wishers and evil-wishers as well.
  • Look innocent to everyone and never act yourself as great but think yourself as the great.
  •  Never act as poor, week, supportless and don’t show personal problems, sorrows or defects to anyone.
  •  Never laugh, just smile.
  •  Never believe what people say only believe what is truth and factual (ask yourself and evaluate through your own mind).
  •  Never waste your time thinking worthless.
  •  Never look at ‘’GaLs’’ never and never and never look at girls. Never and never try to help or support girls just for being a BOY.
  • Think about the areas what you need to rectify.
  • If you’ll concentrate in the above matters it is 100% sure you’ll be successful ‘MAN’ in this world                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  By : Rijal Bhai Laxman


  1. Undoubtedly, your points make sense!
    It aids the inspiration to some extend.When it comes to execution in life, many ppl fail to follow up these things.
    I hope this obviously helps for those who are good at taking to execution level from inspiration level.
